A job rejection email response is a way to notify the hiring manager that you acknowledge their decision and thank them for giving you the opportunity to interview for the position. It’s also a chance to express your continued interest, possibly opening the door for future opportunities in the company.
Additionally, responding to a job rejection email gives you a chance to ask for feedback, which you can then use to work on your weak points for the next interview.
Key Takeaways
- Responding to a job rejection email is a chance to demonstrate your continued interest in the company and be remembered for future job openings.
- A job rejection email response should be concise, professional, and polite.
- The tone of a job rejection email response should remain positive.
- Staying in touch with the hiring manager can help you broaden your professional network and lead to more job offers.
- If you receive feedback from the company that rejected you, you should use it for your professional development.
Should You Respond to a Job Rejection?
Generally speaking, you should respond to a job rejection, and there are several reasons why.
First of all, responding respectfully and with grace demonstrates your professionalism and good manners.
Moreover, if you think of every job interview as a professional networking opportunity, following up after a rejection email can leave a good impression on the employer. As a result, they may remember and consider you for future opportunities in the company.
On top of that, the candidate they’ve chosen to hire may decline the offer in favor of another job or perform below expectations during their first weeks in the company. In those cases, you can be the next in line for the position, so maintaining a good rapport with the employer by responding to a rejection email is highly advisable.
But should you reply to a rejection email without an interview? If you’re rejected before making it to the interview stage, you have no obligation to respond, though you can send a short email to thank the hiring manager for letting you know.
4 Valuable Tips on How to Respond to a Job Rejection
Now that you know why, you should also learn how to politely respond to a job rejection. “Politely” is the operative word, as your response should reflect your grace and professionalism.
Read on as we list all the elements of a good job rejection email response to help you learn how to gracefully accept a job rejection.
#1. Express Your Gratitude
When crafting your job rejection email response, you should express your gratitude for several things.
First of all, you can start by thanking the hiring manager for informing you about their decision. Then, you should also thank them for their time and consideration. Interviewing multiple candidates requires a significant effort, so if the interviewer was a courteous host, you should be courteous in return.
Lastly, express your gratitude for learning more about the company and meeting some of its employees.
However, don’t go on and on about how grateful you are. Remember, your job rejection email response should be short and concise, so try to cover these points in two to three brief sentences, preferably in the introductory part of your email.
#2. Show That You Are Disappointed
Be honest and show that you’re disappointed about not getting the job. While this part may seem insignificant and even redundant at first glance, expressing disappointment shows genuine interest in the position and company.
That being said, your job rejection email response should have a positive tone, so make sure to keep this part brief, too.
#3. Demonstrate Continued Interest
Since the main reason for responding to a job rejection is to be considered for future opportunities in the company, your email should demonstrate continued interest in the organization. As a matter of fact, you can even directly ask the hiring manager to keep you in mind for other positions.
Reiterating your interest lets them know they can reach out to you if and when a position you’d be a suitable fit for opens up.
#4. Ask for Feedback
In addition to maintaining good professional relationships, a job rejection email response is a chance to ask for feedback about the reasons you weren’t selected for the position. However, you need to phrase your request carefully so that it doesn’t come across as a demand or seem like you’re questioning the hiring manager’s decision.
Therefore, the best way to ask for feedback is to word your request as a polite appeal.
However, keep in mind that you may have been rejected for reasons that have nothing to do with your personality or expertise. Additionally, remember that asking for feedback is more appropriate for candidates who have recently entered the workforce than for those who already have a lot of experience in the industry.
Job Rejection Email Responses: 2 Examples
Let’s practice the theory and review some job rejection email response samples.
#1. Job Rejection Email Response After an Interview
“Dear Mrs. Johnson,
Thank you for informing me about your hiring decision. Although I’m disappointed to learn that I wasn’t selected for the position of SEO Content Writer, I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to interview for the job and meet some members of your team. I’m glad I got to learn more about your company and I’d like to be considered for any future job openings in it.
If you have some time to spare, I’d appreciate it if you could give me feedback on my application and interview. Any insight you might share would aid my job search and professional development.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope we cross paths again, and I wish all the best to your team and the company in the future.
Kindest regards,
Margot Robinson”
#2. Job Rejection Email Response Without an Interview
“Dear Mr. Wanton,
Thank you for taking the time to review my application and getting back to me regarding your decision. I’m disappointed about not being selected for the role of Operations Manager, but I understand there were many qualified applicants to choose from.
I wish you and the company all the best in your future endeavors.
Jules Hudson”
3+ Do’s and Don’ts When Responding to Job Rejection
Here are some additional tips on what to do and not do when responding to job rejection.
- Respond promptly, but don’t act on impulse. A job rejection email response is a thank you note in a way, and as with all thank you notes, you should send it promptly. Additionally, while feeling frustrated about not getting the job you wanted is normal, refrain from impulsive responses. You want to stay professional and graceful, and an angry email won’t help you in that regard.
- Keep your response concise, but don’t be scarce with words. A job rejection email response should be concise but not too short. Let your personality and communication skills shine through and make your response personal. That way, you stand a better chance of being remembered for future openings.
- Restate your values, but don’t try to change the recruiter’s mind. You should take pride in your soft and hard skills and qualifications despite being rejected. Use your job rejection email response to briefly touch on them and remind the hiring manager how you could benefit the company in the future. However, don’t go overboard, as you can easily give off the impression that you’re trying to change their mind.
- Stay in touch, but don’t insist on feedback. You can respectfully ask the hiring manager if you can add them on LinkedIn to be up-to-date with future openings in the company. Networking is important, and expressing interest in connecting with them demonstrates interest in the company. However, don’t use your connection with the hiring manager to insist on feedback, especially if you’re an experienced professional.
Final Thoughts
While it may seem pointless on the surface, responding to a job rejection email can benefit your career in several ways. It’s a chance to display genuine interest in the company and broaden your professional network. Ultimately, it can lead to new job offers in the future.
Your job rejection email should be brief and personal. Its primary goal is to make the recruiter remember you for future openings in the company, so make sure it showcases your personality, grace, and professionalism.
#1. What’s the best job rejection email response subject line?
The best job rejection email subject line should stand out among numerous generic emails. However, keep it short and simple—your full name and the position you were interviewed for are enough.
#2. How do I reply to a rejection email?
You should reply to a rejection email shortly after you receive it. Keep it professional and concise, but make sure to express gratitude for being interviewed and disappointment over not getting the job. Additionally, use the opportunity to further showcase your interest in the company and the future job opportunities that may emerge.
#3. How do I reply to an email for an unsuccessful job application?
The best way to reply to an email for an unsuccessful job application is to be concise, graceful, and professional. You should respond promptly, respectfully ask for feedback, and stay in touch with the hiring manager for future job prospects in the company.