Interviews are a crucial and unavoidable step in finding a new job, and if you want to get the job you desire, you need to know how to end a job interview properly.

The interviewers will form their impressions based on your behavior from the moment you step through the door until you leave. So, you need to think about your opening statements as well as your concluding remarks.

It’s essential to know how to end a job interview so that you leave a positive, memorable impression on the interviewers.

If you are interested in learning more about closing statements, read this article because we are going to get into fine details on how to end a job interview the right way!

Key Takeaways

  • A closing statement is a remark made at the end of an interview that summarizes the main points and emphasizes why the interviewee should hire the candidate.
  • Closing statements assist the candidates in conveying their passion for the job, showcasing their abilities, and anticipating queries.
  • If you have no clue about how to end a job interview, some of the options you have are asking questions, highlighting skills and qualifications, demonstrating passion, asking about the next steps, discussing the future of the company, and expressing readiness to start.

What Are Closing Statements & Why Are They Important?

Closing statements are designed to draw attention to certain aspects of a candidate’s competence and experience that are relevant to the position at hand.

Therefore, a strong concluding statement might help convince the hiring manager that you are the best candidate for the job.

Knowing how to end a job interview offers a number of advantages, including the following:

  • Showing curiosity. You can demonstrate your interest in and suitability for the position in your concluding statement. Use it to highlight your qualifications and why you should be considered for the job.
  • Putting an emphasis on credentials. In closing, you might highlight your most relevant skills and experiences. You are free to include specific examples from your past that illustrate your ability to contribute to the company’s success.
  • Responding to inquiries. In a concluding statement, you have the chance to discuss topics that could have been the subject of follow-up inquiries.

9 Types of Closing Statements to Use When Ending a Job Interview

how to end a job interview

Now that you know what a closing statement is, let’s look at some examples of how to end a job interview that you can utilize.

#1. Ask Questions

A well-prepared round of closing interview questions and answers can go a long way toward impressing a potential employer. You can ask them probing questions, and the hiring manager will gladly answer them.

You could, for instance, ask:

  • What are some of the steps taken by the company that have had a positive impact on the company culture?
  • To what extent does the organization provide prospects for professional growth?
  • What would you say helps differentiate your company from other organizations in the industry?
  • Is there any other department that could use my help?


Asking questions like these shows that you care about the company and its mission and that you can envision yourself working there for the long term.

You can further demonstrate your devotion to the business and willingness to contribute to its success by asking similar questions to the recruiting manager.

#2. Make Clarifications

Even if your work experience falls short of what is needed, you can make a positive impression by explaining why you are a strong candidate despite this shortcoming.

You might use language like this:

  • As I understood that familiarity with an accounting system was a must, I made an effort to educate myself on the topic. I am confident in my ability to master the new system necessary for this position.
  • Even though I have minimal expertise in this field, I believe I will be a good addition to the team. The company I recently worked for saw a 38% increase in sales due to my contribution. I am confident I can generate the same or even better results for you.


Your ability to quickly pick up new skills and information is a plus, and your prior experience in a relevant field suggests you have what it takes to succeed in this position, as suggested by both of the closing statements.

#3. Emphasize Your Skills & Qualifications

A great way to wrap up an interview is to demonstrate your expertise. The simplest way to do this is to focus on the skills and qualifications directly applicable to the position for which you are interviewing.

The following are examples of such closing statements:

  • Considering my writing and research skills, I would be a great asset to your marketing team. During my internship with a leading U.S. marketing company, Mindshare, I prepared articles on new product launches, and in less than two months, these articles reached half a million people. I am confident in my ability to provide consistent outcomes for this company.
  • I am well-suited for the HR assistant position due to my strong organizational and conflict resolution skills. At the production company where I interned, I was responsible for making presentations and setting up meetings, among other things. During my internship, I increased productivity in my division by 15%, and I believe I can do much better here.

#4. Show You’re Passionate

Applicants who exhibit genuine interest in the position and the company are generally favored by hiring managers. Make sure they know you’re interested in working with them because of the company and the position itself.

The two possible formats for your response are as follows:

  • Since fourth grade, I’ve wanted to work in healthcare, so this position is perfect for me. My favorite part of this job is interacting with patients; doing so has given me the chance to develop my empathy and communication skills.
  • Due to their dedication to assisting minorities and disadvantaged communities, non-profits have always been at the top of my list of places to work.

#5. Find Out the Next Steps

It’s important to follow up with questions regarding what happens next.

You may inquire:

  • When will I hear what to do next?
  • When will you reach out to the candidates regarding next steps?
  • How quickly would you like to fill this position?
  • When someone is considered for a position at your organization, what are some of the next steps?


Such inquiries will not only help you learn more about the process, but they will also show prospective employers that you are enthusiastic about the opportunity.

#6. Offer More Information

Ask any last-minute questions to be sure you’ve covered everything the interviewers need to know about your qualifications.

You can achieve this in a number of ways, one of which is by asking questions like:

  • Is there anything else I can tell you about my candidacy? If you’re interested, I can provide you with a copy of my portfolio as well as some case studies from former clients.
  • While working in the finance industry, I made sure to invest a lot of time in networking. I have references if you need to see them.
  • Would the rest of the executives like to see my resume?


Just use this as an opportunity to restate your qualifications in case they were forgotten.

#7. Inquire About the Position

Notwithstanding the risk, you have the option of making a request to fill the position. Employers value employees who exude confidence. Nonetheless, the response is likely to be negative.

In that case, you can use any of the following responses:

  • This company seems like an ideal fit for me. Please tell me if there is anything holding you back from making me an offer right now.
  • I totally get why you’d want to take a breather and think about it. I eagerly await word of your choice. When do you plan to start contacting potential employees?

#8. Discuss the Future of the Company

As a closing statement, you can always discuss the future of the company and how it can improve with you on the team. This is possible with some preliminary investigation of the company and the answers it seeks.

The following is an illustration of such a conclusion:

  • I am confident that I can boost your product sales, as I have been working with clients in the sales business for a long time. Over my career, I’ve built a wide network of contacts in the sales industry, and I’ve been recognized for consistently increasing revenue over the past five years.
  • I am confident that I can help your marketing team achieve greater success. Working as the marketing assistant before, I learned a lot about what makes a team tick and how to boost morale and output.

#9. Show That You Are Ready to Begin

If you are still unsure about how to end a job interview, you can provide a proposal to upper management outlining your ideas for increasing the company’s success. They will be intrigued by the strategy itself, but even more so by your commitment and enthusiasm.

This is the kind of structure your response can take on:

  • First, I plan on refreshing information in the database to boost revenue. The next step is for me to follow up with prospects to evaluate their level of interest in purchasing our products. Lastly, I’ll contact current customers to solicit feedback for use in marketing materials.
  • First, I’d like to hold a casual meeting with the department to introduce myself to everyone. To gauge the current state of affairs and, ideally, provide insight on how to improve their output, I will soon be sending out a questionnaire. Of course I’ll offer my professional advice, but ultimately the group’s input will determine the outcome.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you should feel more confident making closing statements after reading this article.

If you have an upcoming interview, it will go much more smoothly if you know how to end a job interview and what kind of closing statement to utilize in certain scenarios.

While these statements should help you figure out what to say and what to avoid, ultimately, your choice of how to end a job interview will depend on the company, the position, and the specifics of your situation. Good luck!